Foundation Design Services
The backbone of any building lies in the engineering of its foundation and structure. The enduring strength and integrity of many homes and commercial buildings in Texas lay in over 51 years of superior engineering by MLAW Engineers.
MLAW Engineers relies upon a soils report, resulting in site-specific foundation designs that are responsive to the site conditions and client expectations. The diverse soil conditions in Texas necessitate in-depth soil analysis, performed by a Geotechnical Engineering firm, such as MLA Labs, Inc.
The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates that 1/4 of all homes in the United States have some damage caused by expansive soils. In a typical year in the United States they cause a greater financial loss to property owners than earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes combined. (Source:
This seamless integration of soils and structural engineering ensures that each site will be properly examined, soil testing will be performed, and a site-specific design will be produced on each project. MLAW Engineers’ emphasis on soils investigations ensures that a foundation is designed heavy enough when warranted, and light enough where site conditions allow.
MLAW Engineers’ goal is to have fewer needlessly over-designed foundations and eliminate under-designed, under-performing slabs which often result in distress and litigation. With subsurface soil conditions ranging from solid rock to highly expansive clays (oftentimes in the same community!), construction in many areas of Texas can be high-stakes and expensive if not handled correctly. MLAW Engineers wants to help you spend your money wisely.
Foundation Applications:
- Residential - Single and multifamily slab-on-ground foundation.
- Light Commercial - Retail, low to mid-rise office complexes, hotels.
- Light Industrial - Warehouses, aircraft hangers.
- Mixed-Use Developments - Combines residential and light commercial.
Foundation Types:
- Post-Tensioned (Cable) slab-on-ground.
- Steel Reinforced (Rebar) slab-on-ground.
- Barrier Beam (Deep Perimeter).
- Pier Lift System.